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When buying Private Number Plates in Iceland, Latvia, Sweden and Denmark, the complete label itself can be chosen. Even special characters from the local languages are allowed in some countries. In Sweden, however, where the indicator belongs to one person and therefore is valid for life, you can apply, for a fee of several hundred crowns, for personal characteristics.
Only part of the license plate can be specified in Austria, Slovakia and also in Namibia and in South Africa very little can be selected. For example, in Namibia, the country code (NA) must remain visible.
Many countries have a personal design only in the context of the possible combinations of letters. The best example of this is in Germany and Switzerland, in these cases the user can only select from a pool of possible combinations.
In some other countries, the combination of the plates is fixed, but the holder can choose among several designs. Irish number plates often have very different (partly illegible) fonts. In Belgium, only the rear license plate is assigned by the state. The front plate can be defined by different designs.


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