Driving Schools Directory
If you have not already added your driving school to the directory, please do that first at: Add URL / Advertise Driving School
£25 P.A.
Driving School Name
OR  3 Month Trial Option

By upgrading, your listing will appear on a web page for every town you have listed from which you operate.  This has a massive 3 Months Guarantee advantage.  Search Engines cannot spider entries that are contained within a database - this is where most business directories fail. 

When prospective pupils complete a web form for driving lessons or intensive courses, an email will be dispatched immediately to those sponsored listings that cover the town the pupil requires driving lessons from. Place your cursor here to see the last 14 days pupil enquiries that we have not been advised of placement.

QR Call and Text Call Back facility on your listing. A pupil uses their Smartphone to scan a code to text you. That's great for when you are instructing - call them straight back between pupils.

Driving School Listing ComparisonThe ability for your pupils to leave feedback on your driving school. This will show on your listing and will therefore encourage others to make contact with you. You have full control of these reviews from your members area.

The cost is £25 p.a. - roughly the price of one driving lesson! If you only received one pupil (very unlikely) and that pupil only had 10 lessons (even more unlikely) at a lesson cost of say, £20, that's £200 income for a cost of £25 - makes economic sense really!

With a paid listing

  1. Your driving school will be inserted on a web page for each town you operate from.  These pages are highly optimised for search engines to spider and find  You will see enquiries coming in from your listing.

  2. Text Call Back facility on your listing.

  3. Real time emails following pupil driving lesson enquiries. Outstanding Pupils Here.

  4. Pupil review facility.

  5. If you list a town that is not currently on this web site a new "towns page" will be built and published for your driving school.

  6. Enhanced listings are highlighted and stand out from non-paid listings.

  7. Paid listings will be displayed above ordinary listings in any searches made of our database - most people though arrive at specific "towns pages".

  8. Displayed on the front page of the directory for a sufficient period of time so the search engines can and will find your entry as a specific Featured Listing.

  9. An image of your driving school logo, your training vehicle, yourself etc. can be included on your listing.

  10. A preview image of your website's home page - this definitely encourages visitors to click on to your website.

  11. Formatting of the "More Information" area of your listing will remain e.g. paragraphs, line breaks and bullet points etc will be reflected rather than shown as a mass block of text. This will not apply to ordinary listings. This will further help your listing to stand out and look more professional.

  12. Access to the members only area where you can:

    • Alter and amend your listing at any time. Perhaps you have a special offer you wish to make known. You now operate from a new town and wish this to go straight onto your listing without delay.

    • Have access to the latest enquiries from pupils looking for driving lessons or an intensive course. You will also receive an email immediately a pupil makes an enquiry for driving lessons in a town that you cover.

    • Control the reviews your pupils have left for you.

£25 P.A.
Driving School Name
OR  3 Month Trial Option

A maximum of 1,000 towns can be listed on a Featured Listing. If that is not sufficient for your requirements, do please contact us for solutions.


Since I have been receiving the text update service I have been able to convert many leads purely thanks to the speed with which I have been able to respond. Having registered with other websites in the past, the service from this site is tops!!

Excellent! After only 1 week of subscription I have secured 3 direct and 1 indirect lead, all of which have been converted to sales. Already I have a return on my investment.
Accelerate Driver Training Solutions

The DSD (Driving School Directory) has been a good partner and basis from which to develop my WEB presence. The staff have been both responsive and gone the extra mile for me when needed. Good work and thanks.
CarCaptain Driving Schools and Lessons

I have been with the Driving Schools Directory a short while and have already had enquiries as a direct result. I also like the fact that you receive pupil enquiries with useful information such as how many previous lessons they have had and when they are looking to start. Great start.
Primeira Driving School

The driving school directory is a brilliant idea. The staff I have made contact with are very helpful and extremely friendly and at no time has anyone tried the hard sell, I would recommend them to anyone, I only wish I had joined earlier.
Driver and Rider Training Leicester

This is a great facility, response times are excellent, and the service from the site is prompt.
phillip sutcliff / driving instructor

The Driving Schools Directory provides a brilliant service to instructors. From the number of enquiries I recieve, it does a brilliant job for pupils too.
Philips Driving School

You offer a great service and have been a great help and support. This has been a new adventure setting up a website. Thanks again for all of your advice and support.
Driver Training Centre

Driving school directory is the best directory I have seen yet! The sponsored listings are especially good value for money. It is early days yet as I have only been listed for a week, but I am hopeful that I will start to get new pupils flooding in.
Phills Driving School

Being on Driving School Directory gives me that extra presence on Google
Green School of Motoring

We have been very pleased with the performance of this website which has generated business for us that we would have otherwise missed. An excellent service that we would recommend to any driving school.
Drive School of Motoring

Driving Schools Directory gives great value for money. If anyone sees my car and remembers the name but not the number if they search on the internet...it brings them directly to this site enabling them to find me.
Jules Driving School

A great source of useful information for both pupil and ADI.
Joe's Driver Training

Driving Schools Directory provide a great service by helping learner drivers to find a good reputable local driving school which provides value for money tuition.
Driving Force School of Motoring

I think DSD is great, they always inform you, when somebody has enquired about lessons, and at present for me it is getting more feedback than the adverts i'm placing in my local newspaper.

Driving Schools Directory is a great wesbite and it has had a fantastic affect on our Driving School. It's a great way to advertise without breaking the bank, and there is always help and support when you need it. Very good value for money!
Harley's School Of Motoring

I have found that the service and help given by Driving Schools Directory far exceeds any other sites. Even stupid questions from me have been answered. Keep up the good work.

I have advertised with the Driving Schools Directory for a number of years. The quality of the site and it's prominence on the web stands head and shoulders above any similar directory. This is due to the consistency and diligence of the site owner in establishing a worthwhile product that is both valuable to the public and driving schools alike. I look forward to working with the DSD for many years to come.
Select Intensive Driving School

The Driving School Directory is one of the best sites I have advertised with. It has helped me boost the number of pupil inquires and it also provided its services at a very affordable price. Not just that, you get so much more you also get free software downloads to help your website improve. All your email enquires are also answered quickly so you don’t have to keep chasing up your enquires.

Having only upgraded to a sponsored listing in December 2009, I was delighted to take a new pupil onto my books as a direct result of the Driving schools directory. I have also had the pleasure of seeing my driving school sitting at the top or near the top of Google on numerous occasions which has been my aim since starting out on my own in march last year. This one pupil has already paid for my sponsored listing. Thank you for all of your help and keep up the good work. Thanks again. Grant
Smile school of motoring Edinburgh

Very pleased with my sponsored listing, the email notification means I don't have to keep checking lists of pupils most of whom are not in my area and knowing the come to me first as a sponsored listing I know if I respond promptly I am likely to turn their enquiry into a pupil. I like the new idea of first in town listing as I feel it will give me the edge when pupils are looking for an instructor.
Neil Bayliss Driving School

DSD have put me in a position where I have received enough customers on my diary to offset the cost of the Sponsored Listing Fee. There is the frustration of texting or calling some refferee's that do not respond fo me tho' this has worked out so far with 5 contacts 3 have replied 2 have become regular customers. The only thing I would advise you to research prior to subscribing is check your post code area's, list your desired towns you want to be covered, List your regular offers give a description which represents you fully including any associations you are a member of such as i a m etc. Respond to customer notifications as soon as possible be prepared for the usual enquiries just because they are on site and as always " Think Positive ". Good luck with your listing and future business. Remember any help or changes you need, the staff are always helpfull and curtious Dave

I have found the Driving Schools Directory to be a useful and cost effective way of getting new pupils.
Gregs Driving school

Since joining Driving Schools Directory(DSD) I have found it a benefit to my Driving School. The information that it provides has helped me to look at improving my driving school. I have taken a pupil on that came from DSD which has more than paid for the annual fee. Thanks James @ Travis School Of Motoring.
Travis School of Motoring

I joined Driving school directory two weeks ago, and have already taken on 4 pupils. The support is excellent, and for the low price of £25 a year, I have already covered this cost 10 fold. Excellent. Victor 3Cs Driving Academy
3Cs Driving Academy

As one of the top websites for learners to find a DSA ADI I feel that a sponsored listing is good value for money as it provides a good service.
positive tuition

Great value for money as has provided me with pupils so has more than payed for itself. Good friendly service from Mark as well. Overall I highly recommend this site.

Have found DSD gives better results than any other directory that I have used. I also run an internet marketing business and can say that the tools and information are all exactly what a driving instructor looking for web exposure needs.
Driving Lessons Glasgow Paisley

Driving Schools Directory has a home page with easy to find links full of information for all. A great place for new drivers to find the information they need to start driving and providing that all important link between pupils and fully qualified Instructors. I thoroughly recommend the driving schools directory for instructors wishing to promote there business and to help new drivers to find their training.
PeterT Driver Training

When forming my own driving school as a solo operation I decided to link onto the best 'search site' available. After much consideration Driving Schools Directory seemed the best for my needs. It may not yet always be No. 1 on the list but with Marks diligence I know it soon will be. Many thanks for your hard work.
Trevor Lucas

I got my company DPL Driver Instruction listed on the Driving Schools Directory because I thought that it would generate business and improve my company profile. This in fact has been the case. I got yet another new pupil in the last few days. The system they use is simple to use and understand and the membership fees are value for money. I will be renewing my membership and would recommend them. Keep them potential new drivers interested and informed that we are just waiting for their calls.
DPL Driver Instruction

My driving school is not a big one and i NEED to put a website that was cheap to list and had good service, I must say that this driving school directory was that.
Echo Driving school

Since having the listing my website has received more "clicks". The pupil enquiry section also is a valuable source for picking up new pupils. Excellent service. Thanks.
Amber Driver Training (Lichfield)

I have not had a better response by any of the many driving schools listings I've paid for as I have had by the Driving Schools Directory. It's the only directory I have found worth renewing. Brilliant value for money and Mark and the rest of the team look after your needs just like you take care of your clients. Enthusiastic and efficient come to mind. Thanks again folks and keep it up please! Joseph Buhagiar DipDI Clearway Driving.
Clearway Driving

Such is the quality of the care and support given by Mark, we have just turned down an excellent offer from someone else to re-design and host our website. We like to show loyalty to those who work with us and are as dedicated to their work as we are, providing a superb working relationship. It is good to be at the forefront and be assured that the back-up knowledge and help is readily available and a good supply of leads is on-hand. Finale School of Motoring is proud to work with Driving Schools Directory.
Finale School of Motoring

The Driving Schools Directory has helped me improve my business by making our website to be found and the link to my website is great.
Just Drive UK School of Motoring

Driving Schools Directory, provides a quick, efficient and easy set up, providing new contact details for pupils looking for courses in your areas.

The driving schools directory, I believe is the best business directory I have seen,it is very easy to use and has lots of useful extras for our clients. I would highly recommend the site to anyone seeking new customers, it has worked for me. Well done DSD. Ken Adams.
Kens school of motoring

I have only been listed in the driving school directory for 5 weeks but I have already taken 4 pupils onto my books as a direct result. I have also benefitted from improved search engine rankings both directly by following the free Search Engine Optimisation tips (worth the annual fee alone) and indirectly from the directory entries. I have tried other directories with no result. I can't recommend Driving-Schools-Directory.co.uk highly enough (unless you are in the Farnborough, Fleet, Aldershot area in which case keep out and leave it all to me!!!).
MSM Mirrors School of Motoring

Driving Schools directory has proved to be a very cost effective way of gaining pupils with a full return on the original investment after a maximum of two new pupils per year. I also find the the e mail, and text notifier system very useful which allows me time flexibility to reply if im driving or teaching at the time.
Rays School of motoring

About two days after signing to driving schools directory i had an inquiry which i have now booked to my driving school. This seems a good sitefor any person requiring driving lessons to look into. Well done.
Drive Plus

Just like to say a big thankyou to Driving Schools Directory. I have only been listed a couple of weeks and already have seen a dramatic upturn on the web. People can actually find me now yey! I picked up a pupil that was unallocated and have just come back from her first lesson with me. She was so excited with her lesson a block 10 has been booked. My sponsored listing has already been paid for. I look forward to working with you in years to come. Again thankyou. Regards Mike
24hr Lemmon Driving Tuition

I have recently upgraded to a sponsored listing and have immediately picked up new business, so it represents great value for money and I am now busy recommending the service to my colleagues. The support is very good and I always receive prompt replies from Mark who is an ADI and therefore understands the business and the fact we have all spent time registering with inferior websites. Keep the good work up!! regards DaveB@streetclass
STREETCLASS Driving Tuition

The level of service from the Driving School Directory has been very professional and first class.

Easy to set up, great search results and a quick website.
Hexham Driving School

Driving Schools Directory is the perfect one stop shop for perspective pupils and instructors alike. The feedback I have recived from pupils generated via DSD has been extremely positive.
David Roberts Driving

Since becoming a member of the Driving Schools Directory enquiries for driving lessons has increased. I, like many others, strive to advertise my driving school in the most prominent areas and I believe I have found that forum with Driving Schools Directory. The service and backup provided by Driving Schools Directory is fast, prompt and efficient.
Peter Harman School of Motoring

Very happy with Driving Schools Directory. Has helped to get me up to the top on the driving school listings for my areas.
ian crosbie school of motoring

Excellent service throughout, highly recomended.
Derek Sharpe

Driving school directory is good value for money and very helpful with advice on how to improve internet traffic!!
Phill's Driving School

The driving school directory is very good for students to find the right driving school that suits their need, and has helped me at Kell's L's to be a succesful driving school in Medway up against the large driving schools. It's not about being competetive but giving students good lessons that they enjoy with value for money so they can pass their tests with confidence and to be safe drivers for life, which is what aim to achieve with all of my driving students.
Kell's L's driving school

Very pleased with this directory, text back option is very useful but will still say to people keep checking the pupil listings in case any slip through. Great value for money, it has paid for itself already, just one month in.
Independence Driving School

I Have only been a member for a short time but feel that this could be a great place to advertise and gain new pupils.
Excellence Driver Training

As a recently qualified ADI, I needed to get myself known, and found this site easily accessable and good to navigate. All contact has been friendly and efficient, and I now await results.
Mick Bull School of Motoring

Thank you for providing me with this outstanding service, I have gained a satisfactory amount of customers comparing to alternative search engines, within a short period of time from your website. This service is cost effective, user friendly and very quick.
Kam Driving

I have found Driving School Directory to be a cost effective way of obtaining new pupils - Thank you Michael Howard Alpha1 Driving School alpha1drivingschool.co.uk
Alpha1 Driving School

Within a week of going with Driving Schools Directory on a sponsored listing I have already a new pupil firmed up in my area. The system is really easy to follow and a personal reply from them too. Good customer care I say.
Cool Driver Training

DSD is fantastic value, just £25per annum that's around 50p a week! an ad in my local paper for 1 week cost that and I rarely get work from that. With DSD I get an E-mail when a pupil in my area is listed and I get a steady flow of enquiries from my website from pupils who have followed the link from DSD.

I have found the driving schools directory to be prompt in its service and reasonable in costs, in less than one week of registering I received a new pupil, I also find the site easy to access quickly.

In the short time I have a a sponsored link I have seen incresed traffic through my website. Plus I have also taken on three new students via the latest pupil enquiries on the DSD toolbar. Thanks for the excellent service
KJ's Driving School

Driving Schools Directory is beneficial to students by giving them access to reliable driving schools close to them and also helps DSA approved Instructors build their business.
achievement school of motoring

The Driving Schools Directory is such a valuable source of information for any driving instructor. The supply of pupil enquiries just goes to show how potential pupils are recognising this fantastic service. Since joining the Driving Schools Directory I have made contact with many new pupils and have confirmed bookings to keep me very busy. Thanks to everyone at Driving Schools Directory...
Drive On...School of Motoring

I have been listening to various internet directories for a few years about how they can 'sell' me internet presence. Mark at the Driving schools Directory more 'provides' an internet presence. I am not the most technically minded with a P.C. but i have found Mark to be very supportive, which is greatly appreciated. I now feel i am more likely to achieve my goals regarding my business and the internet. Richard Edwards
Edwards School of Motoring

Excellent service, good comunication, value for money, would highly recommend.
Richard Harper School of Motoring

I've only used the Driving Schools Directory for a few weeks and have picked up 3 new leads already. I really like the web browser tool that shows the latest leads!

Up to the minute information on potential pupils. All the info needed to contact new customers is there. Any problems I've had (not many) are sorted without fuss. Great service, dedicated to the Driving Industry, just the ticket for ADIs like myself.
Go Green Driving Tuition

The driving school directory provides an excellent source of new pupils. The service provided is second to none. The driving school directory is the creme de la creme of directories for driving schools.
SJM Driver Training Ltd

When we were looking to improve our internet presence this was one of a number of directories in which we paid for a listing, however this is the only one we chose to renew! I think that says a lot about the service you provide.
Drive2Pass School of Motoring

As I have only been on this site for a very short while.I am very pleased with the results so far.if I only get 1 pupil a month that would be very good value for the money. many thanks.Robin from Arunn School of Motoring.

My DSD Listing ensures my Driving School details are reaching many potential customers, from all over the country - not just those in my working area. With just one click, they can then browse my website! Brilliant!
Go Green Driving Tuition

Driving Schools Directory has a strong presence on internet search engines. They provide a a detailed listing on their website which is very user friendly and can be updated with ease. This is the only website I use with a sponsored listing because of their domination in the market. Represents execellent value for money with good aftersales support.
Esmail School of Motoring

Your website is very easy to use and well laid out. Its Pupil section is very informative and the ADI section very helpful. Its seems very cost effective as I have more clicks to my website than the other places I have tried.
i-drive driving school

I have been with the Driving School Directory for some time now and found it to be well organised. I have been contacted early enough by Mark to book a pupil and get them started on their lessons.
Gerry Brennan School of Motoring

The service is excellent, always looks good and is easy to find. Pupil review section is great idea.marks helps is always good.
lez wells school of motoring

I have a number of listings on various websites, without much success. On the first day I received 2 leads and that is just what I need to boost my pupil base at the moment.
The Major Road To Success

Driving Schools Directory gives Quorn Driving the perfect platform to promote its services to the Leicestershire area. With its easy to access website, this makes the process of choosing the best tuiton a far more simple task. Kevin Reed - Quorn Driving
Quorn Driving

We have been really impressed with the Information, and leads that have been generated through the "Driving Schools Directory" We chose the Driving Schools Directory as a form of advertising because of the personal and helpful approach, and the constant contact and update emails that are sent through on a regular basis. The Annual fee is great value for money and it has already paid for itself in the short time since we upgraded, and would definately recommend upgrading to a sponsered listing as it is great value for money. Mark Ashmore On Your Marx Driving School
On Your Marx Driving School

I found Driving School Directory through Google and thought I'd add a sponsered listing for my Driving School as the cost of £25 seemed a good deal. Within a week I had gained a pupil through the directory. Good service, and easy to do.
Field of Vision Driving School

I have been a member for just over 3 months and have taken 2 pupils onto my books but i've also had 2 others and 1 in the future who found my details "on the internet" so i'm not sure where they came from! I would also like to add that one of the clients I had direct from this site has recommended me to another of his friends. Although recommendations from friends and former pupils are very welcome all the clients from this site are brand new contacts with no links to me whatsoever so they might recommend even more in the future. I've tried many other sites without any success so I am more than happy with this site at a very reasonable price.I've also recommended 2 of my colleagues who have taken a listing on here as well.Thanks,Tony Cove.(1st Step School of Motoring).
1st Step School of Motoring

I run a specialised driving school dealing with Automatic tuition and in particular Disability Tuition. Schools offering cars with adaptions are few and my Driving Schools Directory entry helps keep my details prominent. Definitely worth the subscription.
Richard Watson Driver Training

Dave Beresford " Proactive Driver Training " I have been a subscribing member of DSD for several month's and have already had my annual subs back with the supply of 2 customers booking 10 + hrs each Any time i've had doubts or Questions they have been answered promptly and clearly. The site is constantly evolving and your imput is always used for new creative pages. Join the club get good reliable referals and excellent link back to your web site Not forgetting to mention all the useful freebies you are offered when you subscribe including a " Tool Bar " so you get prompt up to date info on potential customers in all of the towns / post codes you register Good Luck and Keep Busy Remember learn something new every day so your business grows and improves at all times

The DSD Website really brings in work to my Driving School, I subscribe to other sites and often receive no leads or the odd one. With DSD I have had a regular stream of pupils. The taskbar is great, anytime I am online I can easily see if any new pupils have listed their details. Everyone I called has ended up with me! DSD remains top in Google searches so will consistantly bring in the pupils, at only £25 p.a. subscription it is fantastic value, I pay that for a small ad in the local paper for one week!!!! I have also opted for a basic website from DSD, again best move I ever made, I get a regular flow of pupils from it. Well done DSD!!!!!
streetwise learners

I have been with Driving Schools Directory, in their Sponsored Listing Category for about a month. I have already made the costs back in my first new customer, who decided to book 20 lessons! Thank you DSD..
Rays School of Motoring

the driving schools directory is a geat way of finding new pupils
neil hawkhead driving school

I am on several directory sites but DSD is the only one i have received any pupils from. Thanks David Cockshott Daves Driving Tuition.
Daves Driving Tuition

The Driving Schools Directory has provided me with an increased internet presence and the call back facility works very well. Overall DSD is well worth considering.
John Copland Driver Training

Since listing my driving school with Driving Schools Directory I have had two enquiries in less than a month. It is a fee well spent on advertising, if it remains as economic in the future my advertising will remain with driving schools directory.

Thanks to all concerned for some extra visitors to the site, espaecially Mark for sorting out the log in password change so quickly.
Gerry Brennan School of Motoring

I started my website about 2 years ago. I have found the Driving Schools Directory an invaluable partner in the promotion of my driving school and Mark the administrator a font of wisdom on anything to do with the web. Would highly recommend.
Driver Training Centre

Nicole MitchellIvybridge
holly robertsonEdinburgh
Kayleigh campbellNaseby
Keitija KravaleBury St Edmunds
Justine Gibsonqueniborough