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The car driving public have become more enthusiastic about the new style DVLA number plates which were introduced in 2001. When they were first offered for sale the take up was minimal. Drivers were used to the prefix type registration numbers and had not even got used to normal issue registration in the new format. Most did not know that the third and fourth digit gave the age of the vehicles. Over time most drivers have become accustomed to the new style format of registrations and are more comfortable with them. They have also realised that for spelling names and words they are perhaps superior to the older style prefix numbers. Whereas with the older prefix type registrations a prospective purchaser would look for a number containing TOM, for example S666 TOM, in the the format they could go for something like TH05 MAS which is perhaps superior. There are less number suitable in the new style and prices are invariably higher but the matches can be better quality. It takes more imagination to come up with a suitable registration number under the new format but rewards can be higher. Conversely values of the popular prefix number have risen sharply due to the unsuitability of the new number to spell shorter names.


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